Sunday, February 15, 2009

Report / Complaint about the internet sites

The sites I would like to complaint about is

I was shocked when I found for the first time that
sites which generally I browse through for some TV shows and Comedy shows are the cause for the virus attack on my computer.These sites are the deadly sites now that without your knowledge they are trying to inject trojans in your computer.My antivirus Kaspersky has found this for the first time and I initially dint give much attention to it but to check whether it is true or not I formatted my system and browsed through these sites for the first time after formatting and immediately my computer was attacked they are running scripts in the background when you click to watch videos.I was even trying to launch a complaint against them in the cybercrime department of FBI .I have not filed yet .I will update once I file and if you people face the same problem please visit to file the complaints and make sure that you help others by listing the site here.

Thanks for your co-operations against Virus Supporters

Arun Nehru

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hello Friends !

Can any body Suggest some better ways to Transfer money ?
Best Credit Union to take Loans?
How to buy a car?
How to get the best deal in while buying?
where to get apartments for rental?

These are all the general questions that comes in mind when we fly to US for the first time isn't it?
Lets help ourselves here ,please leave your suggestions and questions as comments..